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Disclaimer and terms of use agreement

The following terms of use agreement and disclaimer apply to anyone who uses this site. While you access and use this website, it means that you agree to the terms and conditions of this website. The services on our website are on an “as it is” basis. However, we reserve the right to change the terms and conditions for the users of this website without prior notice. We disclaim any warranties or representations, whether implied or stated, regarding the website’s appropriateness, accuracy, and completeness. The same is the duplicity with merchandise, availability of the information, or associated visuals on the website for any purpose.

Product and description

The information on our website about services and products is only for information. It would be best if you did not consider it as medical advice. Our website has no warranty or guarantee regarding the description of products and services. You should research well before being conclusive about our services or product. We do not advise or recommend any product or service on our platform.

Advice and information disclaimer

It would be best if you considered advice available on our platform only to inform you about our services and products. At any cost, you should not take it as medical advice. We are nobody to provide you with medical or diagnosis guidance.

You should always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using our products. He would be the best authority to suggest it. We never advise or recommend any service, treatment, or product here. You may face challenges if you use any of the information available on our platform for self-diagnosis.

Reservation of the Intellectual property rights

It doesn’t matter whether it is text, image, logo, graphics, or software; every piece of information available on our website is the property of our company. We protect it by international copyright laws. So it may bring challenges for you if you try to copy, reproduce, distribute, modify, or republish any content from this website.

User age restrictions

The content on our website is exclusive for the person who is 18 years of age and above. We reserve the right to reject the service, edit or remove content or remove the account without telling the reason for the same.

Typing errors and data

We leave no stone unturned to provide you with the most updated information on our website. However, we do not take responsibility for any information available on our website to be entirely accurate. But we try our level best to make happen the same. Regarding typing errors or data invalidity, we reserve the right to edit the content on our website at any time. We are not responsible for any information available on our platform with errors.


This website provides you with content for information purposes only. We are not medical professionals, so you should check with your medical practitioner before following any information on our platform. We entertain the right to change our terms and conditions at any time without any prior notice. We are pretty serious about our intellectual property rights, and international copyright laws are our shield. Adults with 18 years and above age should use this website only. We try every possible effort to serve you with the best-updated information on our website. However, we do not take responsibility for the same.